8 Ways to Make Movement a Priority in Your Schedule

Your wellness routine can't be all about eating clean and making better food choices. Movement is just as important as nutrition and we like to think of it as the second pillar to achieving true health. Movement doesn’t have to be early morning gym sessions everyday or 10 mile runs (Although if that's your thing, go for it!). Instead think of movement as short periods of time that add up in the long run... It can start with just getting up from your desk to go get a glass of water. Whatever movement means to you, try to incorporate more throughout your week. 

Here are our top eight tips for fitting in more movement into your routine each week:

1) Schedule it in. Putting it on the calendar means you've mentally (and literally) planned for it. No more excuses that you didn't have the time, you have it blocked off in your calendar. Don't forget to accommodate 15-30 minute buffers to change or shower. Yoga, pilates, and barre are great mid-day work options too... no need to bring sneakers with you!

2) Roll up your outfits. This tip negates the classic "I have nothing to wear excuse". Plan out your workout gear (pants, sports bra, shirt, and socks) ahead of time and store it rolled up in your drawer. In fact, sleep in your workout gear if that helps you make it to the gym or class on time.
3) Switch it up. A workout rut is a surefire way to end any new exercise regimen. Who wants to do the same thing five days in a row? Plus you will exhaust your playlists and drive by week three. Studios like SyncStudio (our Commit to Clean bonus perk partner!) in Williamsburg make this an easy fix by offering three different types of workouts - yoga, cycling, training / TRX - for you to choose from all under the same roof. Classpass also makes it easy to switch up your routine at a ton of different locations.

4) Make it a weekend activity. With the weather warming up, we can finally workout outside again! A really easy and social way to fit in more exercise into your routine is to make it a weekend activity. Plan a hike, waterfront run, or HIIT/yoga session with friends in the park.

5) Find a workout buddy. Accountability works. Having someone on your team to encourage (read guilt) you into working out may be what it takes sometimes. Plus it's fun to have someone in class to smile through the difficult yoga poses and exchange knowing looks regarding the super cute teacher.

6) Walk to the next stop. Did you know you could fit in almost 30 more minutes of walking every day if you walk to the next subway or bus stop? Instead of hopping on at the usual stop, walk another quarter mile to the next one. Chances are you'd probably be waiting on the platform to arrive anyways, so you'll still end up catching the same train. Or at least that is what we tell ourselves.

7) Just do it. Even when you don't feel like doing it, just do it anyways. The whole getting there and doing it part may suck, but trust us, after it's over you are going to feel amazing. Endorphins will be flowing and you will be proud of yourself for pushing through it. 

8) Easy workouts are workouts too. Our mindsets around exercise needs to change. You don't have to sweat or be sore after every workout. It's true! Building strength, focusing on endurance, and stretching can all be done without shedding one drop of sweat. First and foremost you need to listen to your body. If you are tired, don't force a 5K. Run a light pace for 1 mile and then just stretch. Or skip the run all together and get in a restorative yoga session.