How We Practice Sustainable Sourcing (And Why It Matters)

“This is the best I’ve ever had,” you exclaimed probably at least once in your life. Was it a watermelon so ripe it sent juice dribbling down your chin? A flaky salmon filet so fresh it was basically seasoned with the salt water from which it just emerged? The quality of flavors, textures, and nutrients in a food always starts with one thing: its source, its provenance.

We all love a good origin story, so let’s break down the origins of Provenance’s ingredients list. Everything we do is a labor of love, and the sourcing of our ingredients is no exception. As your go-to for nutrition, we are responsible for finding the most nourishing option on the market, which goes hand-in-hand with sustainable farming practices.


Why does sustainable sourcing matter?

It eliminates the possibility of pollution, chemicals, pesticides, and so much more that harm both our bodies and our environment.

By honoring the conscious practices of our ancestors, we honor the natural way our food grows, which inherently gives the food its most wholesome nutrition profile.

The new wave of green technology can help us preserve our natural world while providing clean, nutritious options.


We take pride in the transparency of our sourcing methods and the ethical brands we work with.

Over the years, our chefs at Provenance have sought out the leading purveyors of sustainable farming for our Daily Essentials weekly menu. Our partners are reimagining the way we source our food so we can eat the most nutrient-dense product on the market while simultaneously reducing our collective carbon footprint. These foods are untouched by harmful chemicals, sprays, and other gunk that plague most conventional produce and animal protein today. Let’s take a look at some lessons we have learned from some of our local growers and farmers:


Regenerative wisdom is indigenous wisdom.

PastureBird takes us back to the roots of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, where chickens mingle with grazing cattle and roam across acres of fresh grass undisturbed by human activity or chemicals. One of our sources for pasture-raised chicken, this regenerative family farm even uses solar power to keep the coops at a comfortable temperature and transport the chicks to new pasture every day. These simple yet effective practices create a thriving ecosystem that ultimately leads to more nourished — and therefore more nutrient — chickens.

Compared to their conventional counterparts, PastureBird raises poultry that contains:

  • 50 percent more vitamins A and E.

  • 21 percent less saturated fat.

  • Three times Omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Three to four times more NADH and ATP, energy sources naturally produced in your body.

The grass is truly greener on every side when you are being a responsible omnivore and choosing pasture-raised.


Note on image ⬆️ : This is not two images spliced together but what it looks like after just one day of the chicken coops being moved.

We are what we eat, which means we are what our food eats, too.

It just makes sense — the better the conditions our food grow in, the better the nutrients will be. While the seasons typically affect harvest times, this is when modern technology comes in to continue providing beautiful bounties year-round.

Greens tell stories of the seasons.

Different leafy friends are in abundance all year long, and our premium source for them is Radicle Farm. Using a hydroponic system, this eco-friendly model reduces water consumption, eliminates the use of herbicides, and avoids the potential of land erosion.

“We recognize that real food — food that would be recognizable to our great-grandparents — tastes better, and makes you feel better. We don’t overthink it.” - Jim Livengood and Tony Gibbons, Founders of Radicle Farm

Every week, Radicle Farm delivers freshly harvested greens, giving our dishes that just-picked quality you know and love from our Clean Eating Programs.

Closed-loop has opened our minds.

Baked Steelhead Trout with Fennel Shallot Slaw and Wild Rice

Hudson Valley Fisheries is the best of both worlds — the healthiest, most nutrient-dense fish with the least environmental impact. Using a closed-loop aquaculture model, they protect wild fish populations and raise the healthiest fish without the use of antibiotics, hormones or pesticides.

1/5 of fish is mislabeled in the US.

Hudson Valley’s practices eliminate the risk of mercury, dyes and micro-plastics traced in some wild fish populations, along with hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs found in some farmed fish communities.

What we ultimately get to enjoy is clean, essentially risk-free steelhead trout that is extremely rich in flavor and the buttery texture we typically associate with the freshest, highest quality salmon. We wholeheartedly believe this is the future of fish.

When you eat with Provenance, you are joining the movement to protect our bodies and our planet.

We are by no means perfect in our efforts. But when you eat with Provenance, you are joining the movement to protect our bodies and our planet. Our commitment is ongoing and we are improving every day. To learn more about our efforts to be a sustainable and mission-driven business, contact us at We would love to hear any ideas you have on how sustainable sourcing can be improved or any resources you utilize outside of eating with Provenance!

Provenance Meals is proud to source from:

….and many more!