Back to the Grind - Quick Breakfast and Lunch Suggestions

Back to the Grind - Quick Breakfast and Lunch Suggestions

With Labor Day officially behind us, that means fall is around the corner and it's time for us all to get back to the grind before the holiday season is upon us. Whether ordering our prepared meal plans where you choose your meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner from our weekly menu, signing up for a cleanse program, or cooking throughout the week, keep your wellness a priority and make a commitment to yourself to eat clean. To help with this transition and make it easier to get back to your normal NYC routine, we've put together some ideas for quick breakfast and lunches.

Are these nutrients missing from your plant-based diet?

Are these nutrients missing from your plant-based diet?

At home, plants make up the majority of my diet. Dark leafy greens, seasonal produce, and plant-based proteins like nuts and seeds are consumed and enjoyed every day. Spain has been much the opposite of this. And yet... I feel fantastic. My digestion is great, my hair is shiny and healthy, my nails are strong and long, and my mood is awesome. The fact is, I’m eating a lot more nutrients of the kind that I don’t normally get in America. So what is it about these foods that are making me feel so good? Here are some of the nutrients I’m incorporating, and how you can get them too, even if you follow a 100% plant-based diet.

Is it Time to Quit Dairy? 4 Easy Ways to Go Dairy-Free for 30 days

Is it Time to Quit Dairy? 4 Easy Ways to Go Dairy-Free for 30 days

Have you been feeling cranky and irritable? Prone to gas, diarrhea or abdominal pain? Having acne breakouts on the regular? It might be time for you to look at your dairy consumption. While mainstream dietary recommendations tell us that dairy is a good source of protein and calcium, other studies have shown that in some cases, dairy is potentially harmful to your health. It appears to be a truly individual case of dairy benefiting some, but causing problems for others. Check out our FOUR top tips on how to eliminate or reduce dairy in your diet.

Staying Fit in New York City - Insider Tips from Elizabeth + Dale of Sweats and the City

Staying Fit in New York City - Insider Tips from Elizabeth + Dale of Sweats and the City

Fitness is one of our top wellness priorities year round. In addition to the foods and drinks you consume to nourish your body, movement is also a key component to your health. And in a city like New York, we are no strangers to walking from point A to point B and taking the subway. But in addition to our brisk walks to catch the train, this city is full of workout opportunities. To share more about the city's hidden gym gems and how to fit movement into your busy schedule, we chatted with Elizabeth and Dale, the gals over at Sweats and the City, who are seriously in-the-know with all things fitness in the Big Apple.

How to Stay Healthy During Vacation - Top 5 Travel Tips

How to Stay Healthy During Vacation - Top 5 Travel Tips

Schools out for the summer! Whether you're a student, have school-aged kids yourself or are somewhere in between, there's nothing like that feeling of freedom that summer brings. And with summer comes much needed vacations. Travel is great for the mind and body, providing a break for New Yorkers to get away from our fast-paced city and kick back for a bit. And while we’re all for a little healthy indulgence here at Provenance, who wants to go away only to come back bloated, fatigued and in need of another vacation? Here are our top 5 tips and tricks for staying in a holistic state of mind and having your healthiest and most enjoyable vacation yet.

Self-Care + Beauty in the Summertime - Interview with Shen Beauty Founder, Jessica Richards

Self-Care + Beauty in the Summertime - Interview with Shen Beauty Founder, Jessica Richards

We are beyond excited to share a special interview today with our go-to beauty expert and wellness partner, Jessica Richards -- owner of Shen Beauty and head of the wellness and beauty department at Free People. At the beginning of the year, Jessica wrote a letter to her community sharing more background on how she started Shen as well as some challenges she was dealing with. We've always been moved by Jessica's courage to tackle projects and willingness to bare it all out in the open with her community. Check out our interview with Jessica where we cover what self-care means to her, how she's dealing with her recent Vitiligo diagnosis, her 3-minute beauty routine, and fave products during the summertime.

Collagen: Your Secret Weapon for Beautiful Skin

Collagen: Your Secret Weapon for Beautiful Skin

Collagen is the ultimate beauty food. It’s the protein responsible for the vitality and elasticity in skin, giving you the glowy radiance of youth, and keeping your hair shiny and your bones strong. It also protects your gut lining. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is found in the skin, joints, cartilage and bones of animals. I recently turned 46, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't more focused on my beauty routine than ever! Keeping my skin wrinkle-free and my hair thick and shiny are two of my top priorities and, since I believe that beauty comes from the inside out, I keep a clean diet with the help of Provenance Meals and make sure I’m getting enough collagen.